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iciHaiti - Social : Message and wishes from former President a.i. Jocelerme Privert
26/12/2022 08:33:36

iciHaiti - Social : Message and wishes from former President a.i. Jocelerme Privert
The year 2022, the scene of several painful events and deep political turbulence, has come to an end...

Message and wishes for 2023 from former President a.i. Jocelerme Privert :

"My dear compatriots,

The year 2022, the scene of several painful events and deep political turbulence, has come to an end.

It was, for the Haitian people, marked by desolation, violence, insecurity, fear, the resurgence of cholera and the accelerated deterioration of their material living conditions.

Yet, despite our incessant quarrels and the tearing of the social fabric, the Haitian people, with their inexhaustible courage and resilience, have not ceased to pursue their dream of happiness which they proclaimed, through the Constitution of 1987, 35 years ago!

This situation challenges us and requires us, as part of our daily struggle, to strive to make this legitimate aspiration a materialized reality in the reduction of social and economic inequalities that maintain the endemic poverty that is rampant in the country.

In my capacity as a responsible citizen, committed and aware of the harsh reality of my country, I express to all of you, my dear compatriots from here and elsewhere, wishes for a transformed Haiti, where democracy, stability, peace , solidarity, hope, equal chances and opportunities for all, be the main objective of our actions and decisions.

On this occasion, I would be remiss if I did not wish you all my best wishes for a Merry Christmas 2022 and a Happy New Year 2023, more lenient and full of fairness, love, patriotism and solidarity. and a healthy and acceptable lifestyle for all.

May the spirit of the ancestors watch over us and our dear Haiti."

IH/ iciHaiti

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