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iciHaiti - Social : Assistance for displaced families from Savane-Pistache
03/12/2022 09:33:00

iciHaiti - Social : Assistance for displaced families from Savane-Pistache
The clashes and the attack perpetrated against the Savanne-Pistache sub-police station by armed men on November 10 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38111-haiti-news-zapping.html forced local residents to move by hundreds to get to safety.

Fifteen churches, schools and spaces of various organizations serve as accommodation sites for displaced families (Carrefour-feuilles High School, Nazarene Church, Mission Church of the Church of God, Dumarsais Estimé School, Gramond Paul and Edmond Paul School and FADHRIS among others...). The Ministry for the Status of Women (MCFDF) and the National Council of Ayitian Civil Society (CNSCA) are combining their efforts to help the displaced.

Thanks to the support of the Government of Taiwan (Republic of China) and Food for the Poor, the MCFDF and the National Council of Ayitian Civil Society proceeded to the distribution of food kits (rice, peas, oil etc...) and hygiene kits (soap, toothpaste, sanitary napkins, sheets, etc...) for families occupying the space of the Gramond Paul and Edmond Paul School. This distribution took place at the community hospital center of FADHRIS in the said area and another in the place of savanna-pistachio.

Note that the distributions continue in all other hosting sites.

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