
iciHaiti - Culture : The Ministry and UNESCO to the rescue of the Village of Noailles 04/11/2022 11:02:49
The Ministry of Culture is making all the arrangements, in particular with the Permanent Delegation of Haiti to UNESCO, to allow the rehabilitation of places of residence and the resumption of production by the artisans of the Village of Noailles whose practice of "Fer Découpé" is officially registered in the National Register of Haitian Cultural Heritage https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-27799-icihaiti-noailles-the-cut-metal-works-protected-by-the-law.html
Let's remember that in recent weeks, the Village of Noailles has been the scene of violent clashes between rival gangs and craftsmen, as well as their families, have seen their homes and workshops ransacked, destroyed and deplore deads https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37935-haiti-flashthe-village-of-noailles-victim-of-the-gang-war-at-least-15-dead.html
The Ministry, while reiterating its deep solidarity with the craftsmen and inhabitants of Noailles, thanks the National Police for what it continues to do to protect the Village of Noailles, as well as the Delegation of Haiti to UNESCO in Paris for its precious mediation and for his tireless work, within the framework of his mission, for the defense of our heritage.
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