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iciHaiti - Obituaries : Death of Engineer-Agronomist Fritz Michel
04/11/2022 10:20:32

iciHaiti - Obituaries : Death of Engineer-Agronomist Fritz Michel
The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (UEH) learned with great sorrow and pain the news of the death of Engineer-Agronomist Fritz Michel, Professor at the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (FAMV ), which occurred on Monday, October 31, 2022.

Specialist in agricultural entomology, Agronomist Michel, promotion (1955-1959) at the FAMV was Dean of the said entity from 1989 to 1992. Several promotions of agricultural engineers were able to benefit from his teachings. Very appreciated by his students, Professor Michel was known for his seriousness, his skills, his integrity, his academic rigor, his concern for a job well done and his great sense of human relations. He was one of the few remaining entomologists in the country.

The Rectorate of the UEH salutes his departure while bowing before his mortal remains. He presents his deepest sympathy to his family, to the entire UEH community, in particular his former colleagues and students from the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, to the relatives and friends affected by this unexpected bereavement.

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