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iciHaiti - Environment : Soon a multi-hazard early warning service
14/10/2022 09:49:37

iciHaiti - Environment : Soon a multi-hazard early warning service
On the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (October 13), the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC) announced that as part of the Risk Management and Climate Resilience Project (PGRAC), in collaboration with the Hydro-Meteorological Unit, the Maritime and Navigation Service of Haiti, the National Center for Geo-Spatial Information, the National Food Security Coordination and the World Bank, the DPC was about to launch the multi-hazard early warning service (SAPMAH) to deal with the various risks to which Haiti is exposed.

"This is a national early warning and communication service for hydro-climatic events, through which we hope by 2030, as advocated by the Sendai Framework for Action, we will succeed in significantly improving the people's access to multi-hazard early warning systems and information on disaster risks and their assessment," says the DPC.

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