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iciHaiti - Earthquake August 14, 2021 : Message from Martine Moïse
15/08/2022 10:39:18

iciHaiti - Earthquake August 14, 2021 : Message from Martine Moïse
"On the occasion of the commemoration of the first anniversary of the devastating earthquake
of August 14, 2021 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34479-haiti-flash-magnitude-72-earthquake-in-the-nippes.html , my thoughts are with the population of the Great South, which is still struggling to recover from this harsh ordeal. I would also like to pay tribute to the missing persons, in particular Jean Gabriel Fortuné https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34487-haiti-flash-the-human-toll-promises-to-be-heavy-already-227-dead-and-hundreds-injured.html , Louis Laurent Baptista alias 'Téma' and to the families who were hard hit during this disaster.

Driven by a patriotic spirit, the former Senator Jean Gabriel Fortuné and the former Advisor to President Moïse, Louis Laurent Batista had made enormous sacrifices in order to get Haiti out of the political slump in which it has been bogged down for a long time.

I remain convinced that with my late husband, President Jovenel Moïse, in the afterlife, they still have material for discussion on governance in the country. Gabo and Téma, may you, in the other dimension, continue to be leaders who guide our steps in our quest for JUSTICE for President Jovenel Moïse. May your soul rest in peace ! Haiti still mourns its authentic Sons"
Martine Moïse, former First Lady of Haiti.

Note : Louis Baptista Laurent died during the collapse of the hotel Le Manguier during the earthquake of August 14, 2021 in the company of the former senator from the South and former mayor of Les Cayes Jean Gabriel Fortuné owner of the hotel.

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