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ici Haiti - Camp-Perrin : Strengthening of the technical capacities of the Plant Propagation Center
11/08/2022 10:16:00

ici Haiti - Camp-Perrin : Strengthening of the technical capacities of the Plant Propagation Center
James Cadet the Minister of the Environment carried out an evaluation visit of the 5th Germplasm Center (**) in Levy, first communal section of Camp-Perrin (South), launched in December 2017 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-22875-icihaiti-environment-inauguration-of-the-plant-propagation-center-south.html with the Ambassador of Mexico in Haiti Daniel Camara, Jose Luis Fernandez, Representative of the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO - Haiti) and various executives.

On the sidelines of this visit, Minister Cadet met with the Ambassador of Mexico and the FAO Representative to discuss the Support Project at the Camp-Perrin Germplasm Center, part of the cooperation program for the adaptation and resilience to climate change in the Caribbean driven by Mexico, CARICOM and FAO.

This project, which will be financed by the Government of Mexico, aims to strengthen the technical capacities of the Camp-Perrin Forest and Fruit Germplasm Center and will also contribute to the development of satellite nurseries in remote and difficult-to-access environments, with a view to the production of fruit and forest species for the benefit of the local population.

Cadet requested that the project be carried out in synergy with the environmental projects in progress, in order to have coherent and coordinated actions.

(**) Germplasm: Qualifies any element from the plant capable of giving a new individual (DNA, seeds, cuttings etc.)

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