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iciHaiti - Internet : 2 Haitian researchers in the spotlight at the regional competition «Lideres 2.0» of «LACNIC»
10/08/2022 10:59:05

iciHaiti - Internet : 2 Haitian researchers in the spotlight at the regional competition «Lideres 2.0» of «LACNIC»
Raphel Belizaire and Debora Emmanuela Toussaint are the two Haitians on the honor roll of researchers selected for their project, as part of the regional competition "Lideres 2.0" of the "Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Center" (LACNIC).

Selected Haitian researchers :

Raphel Belizaire :
Belizaire intends to work on the impact of internet quality on the productivity of remote workers in Haiti in a descriptive study. For him, many professionals in Haiti now rely on a good internet connection to work efficiently, so the quality of the internet directly affects the lives of Haitians.

Debora Emmanuela Toussaint :
Ms Toussaint is more focused on a project she intends to carry out to train young people in the Internet and web skills while creating an environment and conditions conducive to the development of their ability to seize opportunities related to mobile technology. She believes that we must prioritize improving, expanding and increasing the level of digital literacy in response to the changing needs of young people everywhere.

The members of the Association the "Internet Society" Haiti Chapter, did not hide their pride because they are also members of ACNIC.

"Líderes 2.0" will provide vital support to local Internet Governance communities to conduct research on their selected topics through grants and mentorships.

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