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iciHaiti - Politic : The international community is tired of helping Haiti
19/07/2022 09:55:32

iciHaiti - Politic : The international community is tired of helping Haiti
The Dominican Chancellor Roberto Álvarez Gil, during an interview on the CDN 37 channel, estimated that there was a certain weariness of the international community to intervene to help Haiti.

He explained that it is because international organizations have spent many years exhausting their resources in Haiti and have not seen positive results, that there is this phenomenon of weariness but not only.

Álvarez indicated that given the current events in the world, there are multiple important issues to be dealt with on the international agenda, such as Ukraine, Russia, Syria and Iran among others, which distance Haiti from the priorities of the hour...

Finally Álvarez clarified that for the Dominican Chancellery Haiti is a main issue, something daily that occupies a lot of time, stressing that this issue is dealt with through diplomatic channels, the content of which is not necessarily made public...

S/ iciHaiti

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