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iciHaiti - Education : 1st Edition of the National Exhibition of Illustration and Youth Literature
17/07/2022 11:08:05

iciHaiti - Education : 1st Edition of the National Exhibition of Illustration and Youth Literature
The Association Vive Haiti Livres (AVHL) announces the holding of the 1st Edition of the National Exhibition of Illustration and Youth Literature which will take place from July 20 to 24, 2022 online and face-to-face : July 20 at the Pyepoudre Cultural Center (Port -au-Prince), July 21 at the Reading and Cultural Animation Center (CLAC) of Saint-Marc and July 23 at the Alliance Française of Cap Haitien.

This first edition aims to help bring out new talents, allow young people to better understand illustration as an artistic expression and strengthen the publication of children's literature books in the country. In addition to the establishment of a digital portal for the conduct of the show, the Association Vive Haiti Livres intends to create a unique crossroads for lovers of drawing, children's literature and digital arts.

Exhibition : Plates of some major creations of illustrators. Guests will be exhibited during the show. A sales area (during the course of the show and online) of children's books and books on the technique of the arts will be on display for visitors.

Workshops : Workshops (illustration, writing stories for children) and others will be implemented for budding illustrators or writers but also for young audiences.

In addition, book-making workshops will be carried out with children aged 8 to 13. After the animation around a story, the children participating in the workshops will imagine with the animators stories around the heritage while drawing the scenes over the course of their imagination. The drawings and stories will be formatted and published digitally by Éditions Lire Soleil.

Conferences-Debate: Focused on the themes of children's literature and cultural education, a series of conferences will be organized during the course of the Fair.

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