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iciHaiti - Great South : Safe spaces for women and girls victims of violence
28/06/2022 11:32:19

iciHaiti - Great South : Safe spaces for women and girls victims of violence
Louise Marie Naissant coordinator of the Organization of Women in Action of Pliché, (OFAP), speaking on behalf of "Kathy Mangonès", a room made available to organizations by OXFAM that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA - Haiti ) used to create a safe place with technical support from "Fanm Deside" explained :

"We accompany women and girls who have suffered violence in all forms" in the town of Cavaillon, in the South department, adding "We accompany them to the hospital when necessary [...] We supervise them in the steps for them to obtain a medical certificate [...] We assist them with the court and monitor their case until they obtain justice."

"We organize training for them so that they know what to do exactly when they are the subject of violence" adds Nadine Julien speaking on behalf of the "Henriette Saint-Marc" space based in the Grand'Anse department. .

"These safe spaces are important, because the women and girls of Pliché (South) and Corail (Grand'Anse) suffer a lot of sexual, physical, verbal and economic violence, underlined the representatives of OFAP and the Groupement Progressive Women for the Advancement of Coral (GOUFPAC). Adding "It was important for them to have a space to protect themselves against their possible attackers."

These safe spaces were built or rehabilitated with the help of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID-Haiti) and the Ministry of Public Works.

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