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iciHaiti - Insecurity: An Italian nun shot dead
26/06/2022 09:36:49

iciHaiti - Insecurity: An Italian nun shot dead
Saturday morning in Delmas 19, Sister Luisa Dell’Orto, an Italian nun from the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Gospel, was the victim of an attack by armed individuals who shot her.

Mortally hit by several bullets, Sister Luisa Dell’Orto was rushed to Bernard Mevs Hospital where she succumbed to her injuries a few hours after being admitted to intensive care, according to the Haitian Red Cross.

Let's recall that Sister Luisa Dell’Orto, lived in Haiti for nearly 20 years, and worked as a teacher in the philosophical section of the major seminary Notre Dame d'Haiti and Cesades among the Salesians of Don Bosco

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