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iciHaiti - Awards : The State University of Haiti has created 8 Excellence Awards
15/06/2022 10:19:08

iciHaiti - Awards : The State University of Haiti has created 8 Excellence Awards
The Executive Council of the State University of Haiti (UEH) informs the university community that Excellence Awards have been created to reward a researcher, an apprentice researcher and showcase the best work.

The Prizes are awarded either within the framework of studies, for students and doctoral students, or with the aim of rewarding scientific work, a particular contribution or the career of a full member of the scientific staff of the UEH. They represent an institutional testimony of recognition for the high quality contribution made by the holders....


1. "Monferrier Dorval Excellence Award" aimed at rewarding the best undergraduate work each year of master's and doctoral degrees in the triple field of administrative legal studies and social work;

2. "Pierre Vernet Prize" rewarding each year the best master's and doctoral work in Humanities and Social Sciences and in Pure and Applied Sciences;

3. "Claude Souffrant Prize" rewarding each year the best undergraduate work in Humanities and Social Sciences and in Pure and Applied Sciences;

4. "Michel Hector Prize" rewarding informing, who has distinguished himself (e) in his career or during the last five years in the direction of first and second cycle work in Human and Social Sciences;

5. "Erick Ekman Prize" rewarding the teacher who has distinguished himself in his career or during the last five years in the direction of first and second cycle work in Pure and Applied Sciences;

6. "Supervisor's prize" for theses, alternately rewarding a researcher in the humanities and social sciences or pure and applied sciences for the quality of their work in supervising third-cycle theses, all (5) five years;

7. "Woman of Science Award" to distinguish and highlight the contribution of a woman of science to the advancement of research and scientific cause at UEH, every (5) five years;

8. "Grand Prize of the State University of Haiti" represents the highest distinction awarded to scientific staff at UEH, every five (5) years. It can be awarded individually or to a team. Tl rewards consistency in production, quality and influence. Tl is attributable only once to its holder.

The Office of the Vice-Rector for Research (BVRR) in charge, will inform later, based on specific provisions on: the timetables, the criteria, the award procedures, the composition of the juries as well as the methods, types and levels of endowment.

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