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iciHaiti - Insecurity: Bishop Dumas denounces the accomplices of criminals, including people from the Church and embassies
13/06/2022 10:18:56

iciHaiti - Insecurity: Bishop Dumas denounces the accomplices of criminals, including people from the Church and embassies
Sunday, June 12, 2022, as part of the celebration of the 27th anniversary of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) at the amphitheater of the National Police School on the road of Frères, Bishop Pierre-André Dumas responsible for the diocese of Miragoâne / Anse-à-Veau during the ecumenical ceremony devoted to this celebration, in an uncompromising sermon, firmly denounced all sectors that support criminals and fuel insecurity.

"The assassins circulate in the city. They pose as the masters of our city. They are sometimes supported by politicians, even sometimes by church people, mafiosos, sometimes they are supported by criminals, but also transnational criminals, sometimes they are even supported by embassies, sometimes they are even are protected by reckless policemen."

For Mgr Dumas "No pride is to be attributed to this celebration" recalling that for more than a year, 5 departments have been cut off from the West and the rest of the country.

Emphasizing "It is up to the living forces of the Nation and not to the friends of Haiti, to form a common front against the evil of banditry and crime [...] The will to support the PNH must be clearly expressed in the national budget, actions to strengthen the PNH in its operational capacities must be expressed. We need a police institution worthy and up to its mission."

Finally, Mgr Dumas addressing the human rights sector, he invited them to leave it to the PNH to do its job.

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