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iciHaiti - FHD : Winner of the final of the inter-university debate tournament
12/06/2022 10:16:03

iciHaiti - FHD : Winner of the final of the inter-university debate tournament
During the final of the inter-university debate tournament organized by the Haitian Debating Federation (FHD), the two finalist teams : the Faculty of Human Sciences (FASCH) and the Faculty of Ethnology (FE) competed around the motion "This chamber thinks we should cancel the Third World debt" in front of an audience made up of students from both faculties.

A colorful final, with teams made up almost exclusively of former debaters.

After drawing lots, the FASCH debaters defended the position of the opposition.

After deliberation, the jury returned its verdict against the team from the Faculty of Ethnology, highlighting a better job on the part of their opponent, particularly with regard to the refutation of the arguments. It was therefore the FASCH team that won this first edition of the competition.

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