
iciHaiti - Invitation : D-2, Virtual chat with visual artists Miriam Hinds Smith and Pascale Bichot 07/06/2022 10:13:50
As part of the exhibition "Archipelago" https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-36654-icihaiti-center-d-art-exhibition-archipelago-opening-may-14.html open until June 18 at the Maison Dufort, the Center d'Art invites you to follow a Virtual Chat with visual artists Miriam Hinds Smith (Haitian) and Pascale Bichot (Jamaican).
These two visual artists have points of convergence in their artistic approaches. Their worlds are crossed by a strong symbolism of the colonial era. They are versed in the installation of fibers and make works from found objects.
Miriam did her artistic residency at the Center d'Art, in Port-au-Prince, in January 2022.
Bichot did her artistic residency at Edna Manley College, Kingston, Jamaica in February 2022.
The mediation will be provided by the Jamaican art critic, Veerle Poupeye
Pour vous inscrire et suivre cette causerie sur zoom jeudi 9 juin 2022 à 4h00 p.m. : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqf-itqjwpGdKASYE1gens0pzNRP_Uw0Qp?_x_zm_rtaid=RAItGeKFSkGOwYEbUzS8NQ.1654453364616.cbe28a779b4a977ed6ef9c936cbc4965&_x_zm_rhtaid=647 (or on the Centre d'Art Facebook page)
IH/ iciHaiti