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iciHaiti - Politic : Monitoring and evaluation of the Montevideo Consensus and the 10 Nairobi Commitments
27/05/2022 09:59:05

iciHaiti - Politic  : Monitoring and evaluation of the Montevideo Consensus and the 10 Nairobi Commitments
Thursday, with the aim of ensuring the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the Indicators of the "Montevideo Consensus and the 10 Nairobi Commitments", the Multisectoral Committee had its first information meeting on the issues of the said consensus at the initiative of the Secretary of State for Population and Human Development.

In Nairobi, the countries, including Haiti, made 10 key commitments in order to pursue the implementation of the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development ICPD (Cairo 1994), the results of the periodic regional reviews and the Program sustainable development by 2030.

Formed to support the country in monitoring these recommendations, the Multisectoral Committee is made up of representatives of State and non-state sectors (Civil Society Organizations, Private Sector, Human Rights Organizations, etc....) concerned by the Consensus Indicators of Montevideo and the Nairobi 10 Commitments.

For Haiti among the Nairobi commitments, the country has reached 42% for "Achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health within the framework of universal health coverage (UHC)"; 6% for "Mobilize the necessary funding to complete the ICPD Program of Action and sustain the gains already made"; 25% for "Leveraging demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development"; 20% for "Addressing gender-based violence and harmful practices of child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation" and 8% for "Defending the right to sexual and reproductive health care in humanitarian and fragile contexts".

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