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iciHaiti - Art : Detainees win the competition «Jèn antreprenè»
29/04/2022 10:56:50

iciHaiti - Art : Detainees win the competition «Jèn antreprenè»
"Katizana", a prisoner movement established within the National Penitentiary (created in 2018), which is intended to help prisoners to live from their creativity, won the Prize for the entrepreneurship competition "Jèn antreprenè" (young entrepreneur) and a $2,500 bonus.

"Katizana" contraction in Creole of "Kat" (card) and "atizana" (craft), makes greeting cards with pencils, markers, pen and other materials. Detainees depending on the time granted by the prison administration can produce more than 1000 cards per month, which are then sold in supermarkets. The proceeds from the sale are used to buy certain cosmetic products sometimes considered luxurious in the penitentiary.

Let's recall that this competition was launched last February by IMPACT-E in partnership with Macheplus, a Haitian company from the American diaspora.

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