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iciHaiti - Obituaries : Death of Professor Jean-Renol Elie
22/04/2022 11:03:16

iciHaiti - Obituaries : Death of Professor Jean-Renol Elie
In a note, the Executive Council of the State University of Haiti (UEH) learned with great dismay the news of the death of Professor Jean-Renol Elie which occurred on April 19 in his residence.

"Professor Elie is a key figure in the Faculty of Human Sciences and the UEH. First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs elected in the contemporary era of our Alma Mater, he is both a witness and a privileged actor in the problems and recent struggles of the UEH.

Dr. in Sociology, Professor Elie boasts a rich university career marked by rigorous teaching that does not exclude the defense and promotion of noble and promising causes.

His pleas in favor of decentralization and the social and solidarity economy are well known. He is the author of several academic works of great quality. Professor Elie trained generations of social scientists whom he introduced to the profound realities of our country.

The Executive Council salutes the departure of this great intellectual and presents its deepest condolences to his wife, Professor Irdèle Lubin, to his family, to his former colleagues and students of the Faculty of Human Sciences, to the entire university community, to the parents and friends affected by this sudden loss."

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