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iciHaiti - Culture : Positive results in figures of AROCH program
02/04/2022 11:31:34

iciHaiti - Culture : Positive results in figures of AROCH program
On March 31, the Program "Action for the Strengthening of Haitian Cultural Organizations" (AROCH) was closed.

This program funded through the European Union as part of its program to strengthen civil society, began in April 2020 with the following objectives : strengthening the professional capacities of cultural operators and sound and light technicians; strengthening the operational capacities of organizations through the implementation of their cultural events; the promotion of women in decision-making positions; raising awareness of the eco-responsible management of cultural events and the creation of professional networks

In 2 years, the AROCH program obtained many positive results :

17 organizations working in various cultural sectors received financial support for the organization of their cultural event and/or the strengthening of their activities, technical and administrative follow-up and their representatives have received, when appropriate, of training in Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Cap Haitien and Les Cayes (with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Haiti), in administrative and accounting procedures, event organization, sound techniques and light:

1. French Alliance of Cap-Haitien
2. French Alliance of Jacmel
3. Association 4 Paths
4. Ayitidans
5. Ayiti Mizik
6. Ayiti Vet
7. Azuei
8. Theatrical Intervention Brigade Haiti
9. Art Center
10. Sine Nouvèl
11. AfricAmerica Foundation
12. Mwem Foundation
13. Foudize
14. Jacmel Jazz festival
15. Kolektif 2 dimansyon (K2D)
16. The Survivors
17. Toupatou Theater

23 cultural projects (dance, visual art, music, theatre/forum theatre, photography, film and video) were strengthened through their structures.

140 professionals at the national level benefited from training in cultural management and in administrative and accounting procedures in Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haitien, Jacmel and Les Cayes (with the support of the French Embassy from Switzerland to Haiti).

37 sound and light professionals, selected at the national level, from 5 departments, on 3 levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced), benefited from technical training and practical training in Haiti (PAPJAZZ), and in France.

40% of beneficiary operators are women.

4 networks have been set up : 1 general AROCH network, 1 specific network in Jacmel, 1 specific network in Cap Haitien, and 1 other network through the Zikonnect project (monetization and promotion of music in line) through Ayiti Mizik. In all, nearly 200 operators, artists and organizations are in a network and share information.

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