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iciHaiti - Education : Haiti member of the REDULAC-RRD university network
06/03/2022 09:11:53

iciHaiti - Education : Haiti member of the REDULAC-RRD university network
The Haitian component of the Latin American and Caribbean University Network for the management and reduction of risks and disasters REDULAC/RRD is a new important step in the framework of knowledge sharing between universities in order to contribute to the development of public policies for risk reduction.

Present in 19 countries, the REDULAC-RRD aims, among other things, to create an open and inclusive academic space in order to voluntarily share its knowledge, experiences, skills for the design and development of new policies, strategies and tools contributing to the reduction of risks and disasters in a sustainable way in higher education institutions in the Americas and the Caribbean.

Recall that Haiti has officially joined this university network since February 15, 2022. "The Haiti chapter of REDULAC-RRD will have great challenges to overcome", underlined Victor Manuel Garcia LEMUS President of the University network : to do research in this area to produce knowledge in order to make safe decisions, participate in community formation through voluntary groups of students, contribute to the creation of sustainable and resistant universities, among others.

Members of the Haitian Committee of REDULAC-RRD Haiti :

President: Dr. Nahum LAFLEUR, Rector of the Public University of the Center (UPC)
Vice-Chairman: Dr. Wilfrid AZARRE, Chairman of the Management Board of the Public University of Bas Artibonite in Saint-Marc (UPBAS)
Treasurer: Dr. Jean Odile ETIENNE, Rector of the Public University of Artibonite in Gonaïves (UPAG)
Secretary: Pedro Guerrero Msc. (Cuban cooperator)
Adviser Member: Engineer Claude PREPTIT from the DGBME
Adviser Member: Emmanuel PIERRE of the DGPC
Guest partner: Goal Haiti
Guest partner: Helvetas
Guest partner: SIKSE

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