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iciHaiti - RTVC : CEO Patrick Moussignac kidnapped then released under popular pressure
04/03/2022 08:13:04

iciHaiti - RTVC : CEO Patrick Moussignac kidnapped then released under popular pressure
Thursday afternoon, heavily armed bandits wearing Haitian National Police (PNH) uniforms kidnapped Patrick Moussignac, the President and CEO of Radio Télévision Caraïbes (RTVC) on Steet Capois not far from the station.

This kidnapping, announced by RTVC journalists, provoked a strong reaction from residents of several areas of the city center including Street Capois, Ruelle Roi, Champ-de-Mars, Street Chavannes among others... who erected barricades and blocked the entire circulating to demand the release of the CEO of RTVC.

Shortly after his kidnapping, the kidnappers, faced with the scale of the popular reaction, released Patrick Moussignac without ransom, whose return to Street Chavannes received a jubilant welcome from the sympathetic population.

PI/ iciHaiti

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