
ici Haiti - Minimum wage : The factories of the Metropolitan Industrial Park close 24 hours 25/02/2022 07:00:50
The Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH) strongly condemns the acts of violence perpetrated against the factories of the Metropolitan Industrial Park (PIM) and those of the airport road since the negotiations with the Superior Council of Salaries (CSS) for the adoption of the minimum wage https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35994-haiti-flash-new-minimum-wages-proposed-by-the-superior-council-of-wages.html , until the implementation of the decree fixing the minimum wage, published in the Official Journal, Le Moniteur, on Monday, February 21, 2022 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36009-haiti-flash-minimum-wages-the-government-readjusts-upwards-final-version-official.html .
ADIH members are aware that an increase in the minimum wage was necessary. However, it wants to reiterate to the Government, to the Trade Union Sector and to the population in general that the social appeasement of which we all dream must go through support measures from the State, established over the long term.
Thus, in order to protect their workers and their equipment, the PIM factories and those on the airport road were closed on Thursday, February 24, 2022.
The ADIH, while urging everyone to serenity, nourishes the hope that the activities of the clothing sector, so important for the country, will resume as soon as possible.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti