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Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Guy Malary Airport : Seizure of more than 4 million Gourdes, 2 arrests
12/02/2022 09:08:36

iciHaiti - Guy Malary Airport : Seizure of more than 4 million Gourdes, 2 arrests
Thursday, February 10 at the Guy Malary airport, agents from the Office for the Fight against Drug Trafficking (BLTS) proceeded (on denunciation) to the arrest of Pierre Seremy, an American citizen in possession of four million four hundred and eighty six thousand gourdes (4,486,000) undeclared, when he was about to take a flight to Gonaïves (Artibonite Dept.).

Pierre Seremy, Pierre Seremy's whistleblower was also arrested.

A financial investigation has been opened at the Bureau of Financial and Economic Affairs (BAFE) of the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (CPJ) for legal follow-up.

IH/ iciHaiti

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