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iciHaiti - Football : List of Haitian referees and assistants authorized to officiate in international matches
08/02/2022 09:52:14

iciHaiti - Football : List of Haitian referees and assistants authorized to officiate in international matches
On the sidelines of the working meeting held last week at the Marriott Hotel between the Haitian Football Federation (FHF) and the First Division clubs, the Standardization Committee and the General Secretariat of the FHF proceeded to the presentation of the new ai members of the National Commission of Referees (CONA).

New members of the National Commission of Referees :
Wilson TILUS President,
Mackenson NATOUX Vice President
Thomas DELAND Vice-President
Carlo MAITRE Member and Wesline LOUIS Member (absent from the ceremony),

This Commission's mission is to work for the development of arbitration in Haiti and its mandate is linked in the long term to the mandate of the Normalization Committee.

In addition, the referees as well as the assistant referees recognized by FIFA and authorized to officiate in international matches during the year 2022, were also presented, they are:

Referees :
Carl Henry Elie

Assistant referees:
Jean-Marc Moreau

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