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iciHaiti - Culture : Launch of the year «la Belle Amour Humaine»
06/02/2022 10:18:51

iciHaiti - Culture : Launch of the year «la Belle Amour Humaine»
As part of the centenary of the birth of the writer Jacques Stephen ALEXIS (April 22, 2022), the Ministers Emmelie Prophète Milcé (Culture) and Nesmy Manigat (Education) launched the year of «la Belle Amour Humaine» (Beautiful Human Love).

At the pace of the events that will take place in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince and in the provincial towns, the general population, and young people in particular, will have the opportunity to discover or rediscover the work of this immense Haitian writer.

To the celebration of the year of "Beautiful human love" will be added a citizenship education campaign which will involve young people in exchanges around the values ​​of solidarity, living together, the search for the common good. and love of the country, values ​​embedded in the work of Jacques Stephen Alexis.

Thanks to the partnership that will be established with cultural associations and institutions dedicated to literature, the Celebration Committee** intends to circulate the books of Jacques Stephen Alexis across the country.

Libraries, festivals, fairs, places of debate around Haitian letters, Haitian ideas will be put to use, revealed the Minister of Culture.

** Celebration Committee:
Emmelie Prophet Milcé, Minister of Culture;
Nesmy Manigat Minister of National Education;
Dangélo Néard, Director General of the National Library;
Jean-Emmanuel Jacquet (poet and journalist);
Odonel Pierre Louis. (Professor);
Pierre-Raymond Dumas (former Minister of Culture);
Ronald Paul (writer);
Wilson Paulémon (Director of the National Directorate of Books).

S/ iciHaiti

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