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iciHaiti - Floods : Update on the situation
04/02/2022 13:04:38

iciHaiti - Floods : Update on the situation
In Baradères (Dept. des Nippes), a large part of the 153 families whose houses located on the banks of the river which crosses the city had been affected by the flood, returned to their homes.

In the city of Port-de-Paix, access to several neighborhoods remains extremely difficult due to mud and stagnant water. The Anse à Foleur road axis which crosses Saint-Louis du Nord is difficult to access, as is the road between Port-de-Paix and Jean Rabel.

RN#3 is relatively passable, although some sections in mountainous areas (Milot / Grand Rivière du Nord) are difficult due to the presence of muddy ponds. Similarly, access to the south of Cap Haitien is made difficult by the presence of numerous water ponds on the roads.

The bridge that connects the town of Ferrier and the RN#6 (North-East Dept.) is damaged.

In Fort Liberté, the local authorities activated the temporary shelter of the National School Roméo de Malfety to accommodate 500 people. In the city of Cap-Haitien, 7 temporary shelters (Semi-Lycée Anacaona, Gymnasium, Tabernacle, Saint-Martin, Hôtel Benoise, Lycée Toussaint Louverture and National School of Blue-Hills) have been activated to accommodate a total of 1,446 people, including 480 women and 287 children.

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