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iciHaiti - Electricity : Monitoring of works financed by Taiwan
05/01/2022 09:07:09

iciHaiti - Electricity : Monitoring of works financed by Taiwan
Rosemond Pradel, Minister of Public Works received a courtesy visit from Wen Jiann Ku the Ambassador of Taiwan (Republic of China) to Haiti last week who was accompanied by his advisor Jung Chieh Tseng.

These personalities took advantage of this meeting to reaffirm the solidarity between the two countries and pledged to strengthen collaboration in the interest of the respective countries and their populations.

Minister Pradel after having exposed his great vision for the ministry shared with his distinguished guests the progress of the pngoing projects, financed by Taiwan, among others, the construction of the Arcahaie / Port au Prince high voltage line and the rehabilitation of several power substations, with a view to strengthening the electricity grid of the EDH in the metropolitan region of Port au Prince.

The visit ended with a cordial exchange of wishes for progress and well-being for the year 2022.

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