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iciHaiti - Education : New World Bank project for the South
19/12/2021 09:06:02

iciHaiti - Education : New World Bank project for the South
Nesmy Manigat the Minister of National Education, met this week with executives of the World Bank in Haiti around the finalization of the document of a new project which will be implemented by the World Bank in the departments of Nippes, South, Southeast and Grand-Anse.

This project will be structured around 3 axes :

1 - Governance: planning, accreditation of schools, assurance and quality system, etc.

2 - Support for public and non-public schools (provision of textbooks, school kits, school canteens, tuition subsidy and payment of operating costs).

3 - Construction and rehabilitation of schools previously supported by the program "For Quality Education in Haiti" (PEQH)

As before with other partners, Minister Manigat whats that the actions planned in this project do not neglect the implementation of the Ten-Year Education and Training Plan (PDEF) nor the application of the 12 measures for reform of the education sector https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35343-haiti-education-minister-manigat-installed-reactivates-his-12-measures-for-the-reform-of-the-education-sector.html

Other meetings will be held around the possibility of integrating into this document other actions classified among the priorities of the Minister, such as : the professional development of teachers, the constitution of the register of teachers, the strengthening of the Information System on Education Management (SIGE) and the implementation of the National School Accreditation Policy.

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