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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Extension of the call for applications for the creation of businesses by Haitian students
02/12/2021 08:50:11

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Extension of the call for applications for the creation of businesses by Haitian students
The Call for applications for the creation of businesses with high social impact in Haiti, which was initially scheduled for November 30, 2021 is extended until December 22, 2021

This call for projects will recruit the second cohort of beneficiaries of the Solidarity Network for Business Creation Support program (RéSACE) and targets the entire territory of Haiti while prioritizing business projects that will be established in the Great South of the country.

The program will take place in three stages :

  • Between January and March 2022, around a hundred participants selected at the end of this call will follow an incubation workshop in hybrid format (face-to-face and remote), lasting 180 hours, in order to develop their projects. A certificate will be issued to all those who have completed the entire incubation workshop.

  • From March 2022, the best projects will benefit from co-financing of 10,000 US dollars and technical support for one semester, to enable them to launch their first operations.

  • All candidates who have taken the second step will contribute, between March and December 2022, to work in solidarity with a view to strengthening the Network, a commitment to be respected in parallel with the development of their own business.

Eligibility criteria :

  • A project can be carried out by one person or by a group of up to four people.
  • The project leader must be registered in the last of a course (license, master or doctorate) in a member university of the AUF Caribbean (list available here), or having obtained their diploma after January 2020, in one of these universities.
  • No candidate will be allowed to participate in more than one project.
    Businesses and business owners previously funded by this program are not eligible.
  • All sectors of the Haitian economy are eligible for this program.
  • Applications from women and business projects with a strong social impact will be strongly encouraged.

Application submission :
You have until Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 11:59 p.m. (Haiti time) to submit your project by completing the online form at this address : https://enquetes.auf.org/385754?newtest=Y&lang=fr

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