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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Special insurance policy renewal offer (OAVCT)
30/11/2021 09:38:59

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Special insurance policy renewal offer (OAVCT)
In a notice dated November 29, 2021, Fritzner Bernadel, General Director of the Third Party Vehicle Insurance Office (OAVCT) announces a special insurance policy renewal offer.

Text of the NOTICE :
"At the request of the trade unions and members of the Haitian Land Transport Sector [...] the OAVCT has decided to organize during the period from December 7, 2021 to January 7, 2022, a special renewal of the police insurance baptized "7/7" for the benefit of owners of motor land vehicles, facing great economic difficulties in recent times.

This decision takes into account the negative impact of the fuel crisis on the population and it is a way for the OAVCT to offer its loyal customers and the Haitian people a special gift for the holiday season.

Terms :

Motorcycle: arrears 2 to 3 years, number of years to pay 1 year;

Car and all terrain: arrears 4 to 5 years, number of years to pay 2 years;

Truck: arrears 6 years and over, number of years to pay 3 years."

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