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iciHaiti - Social : World Day Against Violence Against Women
26/11/2021 09:42:49

iciHaiti - Social : World Day Against Violence Against Women
Thursday, November 25, 2021 in Hinche (Center Dept.) as part of the celebration of the world day against violence against women, Sofia Loréus, the Minister for the Status of Women and Women's Rights launched the 16 days of activism around the theme "vyolans sou Fanm se lènmi lasosyete, nap denonsel".

A day where many activities were organized bringing together hundreds of participants, a march, street theater performances highlighting the Haitian reality, followed by a mobile clinic where hundreds of people were consulted for free.

Many personalities took part in this great event, among others: the Acting Agent of the city of Hinche; Ms. Mideline Midlove ADRIEN, Departmental Coordinator of the Ministry in Hinche Ms. Jesula MEZARD; the Departmental Delegate, Bidry CORIOLAN; the Commissioner of the Government of Hinche, Mrs. Dieunise BENJAMIN ALEXANDRE; the Government Deputy to the Hinche Court of Appeal, Ortella PRUDENT; the Principal Commissioner of Mirebalais CP Kerby LOUIS; the Divisional Inspector and Head of Gender-Based Violence Marie Ronide FONTAINE; the UN-Women representative in Haiti, Ms. Dédé EKOUE, the BEST USAID Project Manager, Wilna CADET among others.

In her remarks for the occasion, Minister Loréus condemned with the utmost rigor the acts of violence against women, recorded in recent weeks and launched a vibrant appeal to all actors, particularly those of justice and of the police to get involved in order to punish, according to the law, all the aggressors. She called on all organizations, associations and feminists not to be intimidated, not to be afraid of threats to denounce violence against women and girls, in order to considerably reduce or even eliminate violence against women. "Violence against women must be banned in whatever form," concluded the Minister.

It was also an opportunity for the Minister accompanied by Ms. EKOUE, to honor and reward Haitian women activists in this vast movement aimed at promoting and defending the rights of women by awarding plaques of honor and merit as well as certificates to 13 women for their unconditional involvement in this relentless fight for the elimination of gender violence.

In addition, the men who participated in this day have all solemnly sworn to respect the rights of women and not to exercise any form of violence or discrimination against them, a very moving moment for all women.

At the end of the ceremony, a performance by the famous Haitian artist, Jean Jean Roosevelt, who sings the emancipation of Haitian women, delighted the audience.

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