
iciHaiti - Fuel : Who's telling the truth ? 24/11/2021 10:34:12
Evenson Calixte, the Director General of the National Regulatory Authority for the Energy Sector (ANARSE), denies the statements of the National Association of Service Station Owners (ANAPROSS) which claims that there is almost no more Gasoline in stock at the Varreux and Thor terminals. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35311-haiti-flash-the-oil-terminals-of-varreux-and-thor-have-almost-no-more-gasoline.html .
On the contrary, Calixte affirms that more than 3.7 million gallons of gasoline are currently available in the oil terminals of Varreux and Thor.
In addition, he says he has information according to which many tankers loaded with gasoline never arrived at service stations. He announces that he will write to the oil operators concerned to explain the situation.
See also :
S/ iciHaiti