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iciHaiti - Prize of the five continents : 2 Haitians in the list of 10 finalists
14/11/2021 09:09:29

iciHaiti - Prize of the five continents : 2 Haitians in the list of 10 finalists
Gathered by videoconference, representatives of the 6 reading committees of the "Five Continents Prize" selected the 10 finalist works from 10 countries, among the 145 candidate works that were submitted.

- « Ceux qui sont restés là-bas » by Jeanne TRUONG (France-Cambodge) Ed. Gallimard (France)

- « Dans le ventre du Congo » by Blaise NDALA (Congo-Canada) Ed. Mémoire d'encrier (Québec)

- « Soleil à coudre » by Jean d'AMERIQUE (Haïti) Ed. Actes Sud (France)

- « Héritage » by Miguel BONNEFOY (France-Vénézuela) Ed. Rivages (France)

- « Le Jardin du Lagerkommandant » by Anton Stoltz (Canada-Québec) Ed. Maurice Nadeau (France)

- « Les Lumières d’Oujda » by Marc Alexandre OHO BAMBE (Cameroun-France) Ed. Calmann-Lévy (France)

- Les villages de Dieu » Ey Emmelie PROPHETE (Haïti) éd. Mémoire d'encrier (Canada-Québec)

- « Les Orphelins de Bessora » (France-Gabon) Ed. JC Lattès (France)

- « Le Palais des deux collines » by Karim KATTAN (France-Palestine) Ed. Elyzad (Tunisie)

- « Pas même le bruit d'un fleuve » by Hélène DORION (Canada-Québec) Ed. Alto (Québec)

Let us recall that the play "Opéra Poussière" by Jean D'Amérique (26) won the RFI Theater Prize 2021 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-34845-icihaiti-theater-the-play-opera-poussiere-by-jean-d-amerique-wins-the-2021-rfi-theater-prize.html

The international jury, chaired by Paula Jacques (France-Egypt), will designate the winner on December 16, 2021 and the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) will then ensure its promotion on the international literary scene for an entire year.

Remember that the Five Continents Prize, created in 2001 by the OIF, rewards each year a narrative fictional text (novel, story and collection of short stories) original in French; it is endowed with an amount of 15,000 euros for the winner and 5,000 euros for the special mention

The awards ceremony is scheduled for March 20, 2022, on the sidelines of the International Day of La Francophonie which will be celebrated as part of the Universal Exhibition in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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