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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Significant increase in food assistance needs in the South
08/11/2021 09:10:00

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Significant increase in food assistance needs in the South
In its latest bulletin on Haiti the International Organization "Famine Early Warning Systems Network" (FEWS NET) the international network of early warning systems against famine reports that the earthquake of August 14 and the passage of the tropical depression Grace, have led to a significant increase in food assistance needs in South, Nippes, Grand'Anse, and South-East.

Many households have been displaced and have lost productive livelihood assets, face reduced incomes and high prices, and are expected to experience Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes.
However, humanitarian assistance in some areas of South, Grand'Anse, and Nippes is allowing poor households to meet their food needs, therefore they are likely to experience Stressed! (IPC Phase 2!) outcomes through October.

In addition, below average and irregular rains since July, have negatively impacted the summer agricultural season and delayed the start of the autumn season. North-West, North-East, Haut Plateau, Haut Artibonite, and West are likely to have below average fall harvests and poor households in these regions are likely to face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes as a result. Lastly, significant gang and criminal activity has been disrupting Port-au-Prince since July, forcing households to adopt crisis coping strategies and resulting in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes around the capital.

Learn more about the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) :

Phase 1 :
Usually adequate and stable food access with moderate to low risk of sliding into Phase 3, 4, or 5.

Phase 2 : Moderately / Borderline Food Insecure
Borderline adequate food access with recurrent high risk (due to probable hazard events and high vulnerability) of sliding into Phase 3, 4, or 5.

Phase 3 : Acute Food and Livelihood Crisis
Highly stressed and critical lack of food access with high and above usual malnutrition and accelerated depletion of livelihood assets that, if continued, will slide the population into Phase 4 or 5 and / or likely result in chronic poverty.

Phase 4 : Humanitarian Emergency
Severe lack of food access with excess mortality, very high and increasing malnutrition, and irreversible livelihood asset stripping.

Phase 5 : Famine / Humanitarian Catastrophe
Extreme social upheaval with complete lack of food access and / or other basic needs where mass starvation, death, and displacement are evident.

IH/ iciHaiti

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