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iciHaiti - Justice : Journal «La Magistrature» call for contribution
25/10/2021 10:34:51

iciHaiti - Justice : Journal «La Magistrature» call for contribution
The Haitian School of Magistracy at its inception had published an information Journal "La Magistrature", recounting the main events in the life of the School.

In 2021, the General Directorate and the Research Department have decided to relaunch this journal by giving it a much more marked scientific aspect. Current legal and judicial questions, thematic developments will be the strengths of this journal. It is a question of giving a space of expression to the jurists, eager to share their knowledge and their professional practices, in the field of the law, still in stagnation on the doctrinaire level in spite of the constant evolutions of the Haitian legal corpus.

For this special issue of the journal, contributions may relate to points of law or recent legislative reforms.

The following issues, published twice a year, will present the articles according to a chosen theme. With all the scientific rigor expected from a journal of excellence, "La Magistrature" will develop its contributions in the fields of private law, public law or criminal law. A court column will broadcast an essential court decision, with a note or commentary. The last section will list the various news or information articles.

The aim of the "École de la Magistrature" is to make this journal a leading reference, an essential resource for academics and legal practitioners, combining articles and chronicles both legal and from the daily practice of jurists. .

Those interested in the publication of this unpublished issue can submit a text with their biography, no later than December 6, 2021 to Dr Kiria Despinos : kdespinos@hotmail.com

A reading committee from the EMA's Research Department will be formed for the acceptance and validation of the writing with notification of the decision to the principals concerned no later than December 20, 2021.

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