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iciHaiti - Religion : Cardinal Chibly Langlois opens the Synod (2021-2023)
25/10/2021 10:27:18

iciHaiti - Religion : Cardinal Chibly Langlois opens the Synod (2021-2023)
Saturday October 23, during the opening ceremony of the Synod (2021-2023) launched by Pope Francis, Cardinal Chibly Langlois made his first official appearance since the earthquake of August 14, where he was slightly injured https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34495-haiti-news-zapping.html

Cardinal LANGLOIS took this opportunity to present to the Pergrims who came from all over the Diocese in the parish of Saint Eugene de Mazenod de la Savanne of Les Cayes, the team to organize the activities related to the Synod in his diocese.

At the end of the celebration, in a very brief message, the Cardinal invited his faithful to commit themselves to the success of the Synod not only in his diocese but the whole country and the Universal Church. In a short message he urged Haitian Christians (Catholics and Protestants) to take the destiny of the country in hand by insisting "Nou paka gen tout kretyen sa yo an Ayiti, katolik kou pwotestan pou peyi a nan eta sa , li pa posib."

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