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iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Day of tension
19/10/2021 09:02:13

iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Day of tension
Monday, October 18, 2021, a situation of tension has reigned in Petit-Goâve since the morning, following the death of a young man Frémont James (26) aka "Jimmy" on the evening of October 17 in the locality of Fort-Liberté, killed by Syon, an agent of the Municipal Brigade of Petit-Goâve according to several witnesses. Barricades and flaming tires were seen here and there. The Public Market was emptied of its merchants under the pressure of certain very violent individuals.

A group of furious protesters led by "Titit", Amos, Ba w and Militante Sherley went on Radio Préférence to denounce Agent Syon who, according to their statements, had shot Frémont James in the back following a altercation.

The protesters threaten to disrupt the functioning of Petit-Goâve and to block the national road #2 if the assassin of Frémont is not arrested.

Moreover in the streets, due to the rise of insecurity across the country, demonstrators demanded the resignation of Prime Minister a.i. Ariel Henry. In addition, they criticized the high cost of living, the artificial scarcity and the illegal sale of petroleum products on the public highway.

IH/ iciHaiti / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondent Petit-Goâve)

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