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iciHaiti - Security : PNH deploys reinforcements in the metropolitan area
13/10/2021 10:34:26

iciHaiti - Security : PNH deploys reinforcements in the metropolitan area
On the instruction of Léon Charles Commander-in-Chief of the National Police of Haiti (PNH), officials from various police jurisdictions in the metropolitan area have taken steps to deploy personnel in order to strengthen the existing arrangements within the framework of the operation "Mache pran yo" and "Boukle Pòtoprens".

Police officers from all PNH units are present on several strategic axes to reassure the population in its activities. The police are stationed in strategic areas, regulate road traffic while carrying out systematic searches.

Remember to alert the police to any action or suspicious person in your area. Call the base : 3820 1111/3821 1111 or the Information and Operations Center : 3838 1111/3839 1111/3836 1111

You can also call the West Departmental Directorate 2 (DDO-2) at 4169 9696/3880 1111

The PNH reminds the population that "It is hand in hand with the police that we can act effectively against all forms of insecurity and banditry."

IH/ iciHaiti

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