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iciHaiti - USA : American experts alongside the PNH
13/10/2021 09:44:50

iciHaiti - USA : American experts alongside the PNH
Léon Charles, the Director General ai of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) accompanied by members of the high command of the PNH met on Monday with a group of American experts from the US Department of State: Bureau of Intl Narcotics & Law Enforcement (INL), who came to discuss the needs of the police institution in terms of strengthening the operational capacity of specialized units of the PNH to fight effectively against armed gangs.

This first assessment meeting is part of the United States Government's initiatives aimed at supporting efforts relating to the professionalization of the PNH, and providing the institution with tactical and operational tools to better protect the population against the violence of armed gangs.

The mission of the assessment team supports the objective of the United States Government to support the development of the PNH as a professional and responsible institution capable of protecting Haitians from gang violence and civil unrest.

IH/ iciHaiti

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