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iciHaiti - Covid-19 : List of 128 vaccination centers open in the country
12/10/2021 11:27:02

iciHaiti - Covid-19 : List of 128 vaccination centers open in the country
Vaccination :
87,792 (+12,913 in 5 days) doses of "Spikevax" vaccine (official name) from the MODERNA Laboratory have been injected in total in Haiti since July 16, 2021, date of the first injection. 22,432 people were fully vaccinated (2 doses). As of October 7, 2021, latest data available.

List of 128 vaccination centers open in Haiti (and hours) by department :
(updated October 11, 2021)

1- Dessalines, Claire Heureuse Hospital (HCH)
2- Dessalines, Extension of Claire Heureuse (HCHCM)
3- Gonaïves, La Providence Hospital (HLP)
4- Gros-Morne, Alma Mater Hospital (HAM)
5- Saint-Michel, CDS Saint-Michel (CSM)
6- Saint-Marc, Saint Nicolas Hospital (HSN)
7- Saint-Marc, Extension of Saint Nicolas Hospital (HSNCM)
8, Albert Schweitzer Hospital (HAS)

1- Hinche, Sainte Thérèse de Hinche Hospital (HSTH)
2- Lascahobas, Lascahobas Health Center
3- Thomassique, Thomassique Health Center
4- Tho monde, Thomonde Health Center
5- Maissade, Maissade health center
6- Saut d'Eau, Saut d'Eau health center
7- Belladère, Notre Dame de la Nativité Hospital (HNDN)
8- Cerca la Source, Health Center of Cerca la Source
9- Hinche, De Marmont Health Center
10- Mirebalais, University Hospital of Mirebalais (HUM)
11- Mirebalais, ZL Central Office (HUMBC)
12- Mirebalais, Extension University Hop of Mirebalais (HUMCM)

1- Anse d'Hainault / St Jean Baptiste Hospital
2- Corail, Saint Pierre de Corail Health Center
3- Jérémie, Saint-Antoine Hospital
4- Jérémie, Lespwa HHF Center (HHF)
5- Jérémie, HHF mobile team (HHFCM)

1- Asile, Community Asylum Referral Hospital
2- Baradères, Baradères health center
3- Fonds-des-Nègres, Bethel Hospital
4- Anse à Veau, Community Reference Hospital of Jules Fleury
5- Petit Trou de Nippes, Health Center of Petit Trou de Nippes
6- Plaisance, Plaisance health center
7- Miragoâne, Sainte Thérèse de Miragoâne Hospital (HSTM)

1- Milot, Sacred Heart Hospital of Milot
2- Plaine-du-Nord, New Hope Hospital
3- Borgne, Alliance Santé Borgne (ASB)
4- Cap-Haitien, Justinien University Hospital
5- Cap-Haitien, Ofatma Hospital (North)
6- Labadie, Royal Caribbean Labadie School (ERCL)
7- Grande Rivière du Nord, Grande Rivière du Nord Hospital
7- Quartier-Morin, Hospital of the Baptist Convention of Haiti (HCBH)
8- Pignon, Pignon Charity Hospital

1- Fort-Liberté, Departmental Hospital of Fort-Liberté
2- Mont-Organisé, CAL de Mont-Organisé
3- Ouanaminthe, Ouanaminthe Medico-Social Center
4- Caracal, Cahesse Health Center,
5- Mombin-Crochu, CAL de Mombin-Crochu

1- Jean-Rabel, Notre Dame de la Paix Hospital (HDNP)
2- Baie de Henne, Dupré Dispensary
3- Baie de Henne, Little river in Baie de Henne
4- Baie de Henne, Dispensary The source
5- Baie de Henne, Remy Cistern Dispensary
6- Baie de Henne, Dispensary Baie de Henne
7- Port-de-Paix, Beraca Medical Center
9- Port-de-Paix, Immaculate Conception Hospital of Port-de-Paix
9- Saint-Louis-du Nord, Austrian Haitian Community Hospital (HCAH)

1- Archaie, Nicolas Armand Hospital
2- Arcahaie, Clinique Saint Paul de Montrouis
3- Anse à Galet, Clinique Espoir Anse à Galet
4- Cabaret, Cabaret Health Center
5- Cabaret, Alpha Omega Clinic
6- Croix-des-Bouquets, Foyer St Camille Hospital
7- Croix-des-Bouquets, Community Referral Hospital of Bon Repos
8- Croix-des- Bouquets, Harry Bordes de Beudet Community Referral Hospital
9- Croix-des-Bouquets, UCS Cx des Bouquets (Extension of HCR Ary Bordes)
10- Grand-Goâve, Georges Gauvin Hospital
11- La Gonâve, Wesleyan Hospital of La Gonâve
12- Léogâne, Sigueneau Hospital in Léogâne
13- Petit-Goâve, Notre Dame de Petit-Goâve Hospital
14- Carrefour, Hôpital Adventiste d'Haïti (HAH)
15- Carrefour, Carrefour Maternity Hospital
16- Delmas, FONDEPH Delmas 75
17- Delmas, Saint Montfort Health Center
18- Delmas, OFATMA Hospital (PaP)
19- Delmas, Hope Hospital
20- Delmas, Bernard Mevs Hospital
21- Port-au-Prince, Health clinic
22- Delmas, University Hospital of Peace (HUP)
23- Delmas, central MSPP (Extension of HUP)
24- Delmas, Lycée Jean Marie Vincent (Extension of HUP)
25- Delmas, Town Hall of Delmas (Extension of HUP)
26- Delmas, MAE (Extension of HUP)
27- Delmas, UGP (Extension of HUP)
28- Delmas, St Francis of Assisi School (Extension of HUP)
29- Delmas, Sogebank (Extension of HUP
30- Delmas, BRH (Extension of HUP)
31- Delmas, UCMIT (Extension of HUP)
32- Delmas, 3rd Age Foundation (Extension of HUP)
33- Delmas, Cuban Embassy (Extension of HUP)
34- Delmas, Healings hands for Haiti (Extension of HUP)
35- Delmas, DIGICEL (Extension of HUP)
36- Delmas, SONAPI (Extension of HUP)
37- Delmas, Police Academy (Extension of HUP)
38- Delmas, Prime Minister (Extension of HUP)
39- Delmas, Housing works (Mobile clinic)
40- Kenscoff, Fermathe Hospital (Baptist Mission)
41- Pétion-Ville, Eliazar Germain Hospital Center
42- Pétion-Ville, Canapé-Vert Health Center (FONDEFH, Juvénat)
43- Pétion-Ville, Lambert Health Clinic
44- Pétion-Ville, Town Hall of Pétion-Ville (Eliazard Germain Extension)
45- Port-au-Prince, GHESKIO / INLR
46- Port-au-Prince, Saint François de Sales Hospital
47- Port-au-Prince, Hospital of the State University of Haiti (HUER)
48- Port-au-Prince, DSO (Extension of HUER)
49- Port-au-Prince, F AD'H (Extension of HUEH)
50- Tabarre, Town Hall of Tabarre (Extension CS Caradeux)
50- Tabarre, GHESKIO / IMIS
52- Tabarre, King's Hospital
53- Tabarre, Saint-Damiens Hospital / NPFS
54- Doctors Without Borders Tabarre

1- Aquin, Aquin Community Reference Hospital
2- Aquin, Saint Boniface Hospital of Fonds des Blancs
3- Port Salut, Referral Community Hospital of Port Salut
4- Les Cayes, Hope for Haiti
5- Les Cayes, Immaculate Conception Hospital in Les Cayes
6- Les Cayes, 4 paths health center
7- Camp Perrin, CAL de Sainte Anne
8- Bonnefin, Lumière health center
9- Les Cayes, Hospital Brenda Straford
10- Les Cayes, The Town Hall of Les Cayes
11- Les Cayes, Administrative Complewe of Les Cayes
12- Les Cayes, Southern Health Department
13- Les Cayes, Hospital Sanatorium des Cayes

1- Bainet, Cal de Bainet
2- Côtes de Fer, Bishop Joseph Sullivan Hospital,
3- Anse-à-Pitres, Anse-a-Pitres Health Center, 3
4- Marigot, CSM Marigot
5- Jacmel, Saint Michel de Jacmel Hospital Extension (HSMJCCH)
6- Jacmel, St Michel de Jacmel Hospital

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