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iciHaiti - PNCS : Launch of operations to supply school canteens
12/10/2021 10:01:01

iciHaiti - PNCS : Launch of operations to supply school canteens
This Tuesday, October 12 at the National School of Berquin (Miragôane), as part of the « National School Canteens Program" (PNCS), the launch of school canteen supply operations for the 2021-2022 academic year will take place.

In this regard, the PNCS, as regulator of the school feeding sub-sector, will renew its commitment to do everything possible to supply school canteens on a regular basis and promote the improvement of learning conditions for our children.

Ms. Djina Guillet Delatour, the General Coordinator of the PNCS seeks to bring together, in collaboration with the other partners of the program, the necessary resources to meet the nutritional needs of approximately 1.4 million schoolchildren in school canteens of the first three fundamental cycles, during the academic year 2021-2022.

In addition, the General Coordination of the PNCS, in view of the earthquake that devastated the southern penonsula, chose this region for the realization of this launch in a symbolic perspective, of solidarity, but above all, with a view to continuing to be actively involve in the activities necessary for the harmonious functioning of school canteens. Ms. Delatour thanks her main partners and invites them to continue their noble involvement in the learning process of Haitian schoolchildren.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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