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iciHaiti - Politic : The PM talks with the American Ambassador Michèle Sison
11/10/2021 11:07:27

iciHaiti - Politic : The PM talks with the American Ambassador Michèle Sison
Saturday, October 9, Prime Minister a.i. Ariel Henry received at his official residence, the Ambassador of the United States, Mrs. Michèle Sison who is at the end of her mission in Haiti. It was an opportunity for the Prime Minister to discuss the solid relations between the two countries, and at the same time to thank the United States Government for its commitment to Haiti.

With Ambassador Sison, the Prime Minister spoke of the ill-treatment inflicted on our compatriots in Del Rio in Texas https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34807-haiti-politic-dhs-does-not-tolerate-abuses-against-migrants.html , the international community's request for support to the Government to fight insecurity, for the recovery and reconstruction of the southern peninsula devastated by the earthquake of August 14 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34681-haiti-earthquake-latest-assessment-of-civil-protection.html

The Prime Minister took the opportunity to remind the Diplomat of his mission, which is "to organize free, honest, democratic and non-partisan elections in 2022..."

In addition, Ambassador Sison delivered a message before her departure :

Message from Ambassador Sison :
"When I arrived in February 2018, l shared that I had begun my diplomatie career in Port au Prince in the 1980s, and had long remembered the warmth of the Haitian people, Haiti's natural beauty, and Haiti's unique culture and proud history. lt has been an honor to serve here as the U.S. Ambassador. As 1 prepare to retum to Washington, 1 recall that I said upon my arriva) in February 2018 that, "Haïti and the United States share a strong commitment to freedom, democracy, and the rule of law ... The United States has a tremendous amount of respect for the Haitian people, and we are proud of our partnership. Haiti and the United States share a long history of close relations, and our futures are closely linked." 1 believe strongly that these words ring true today."

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