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iciHaiti - France : Call for candidacies, Human Rights Prize, registrations open
01/09/2021 10:36:56

iciHaiti - France : Call for candidacies, Human Rights Prize, registrations open
Inscriptions for the Human Rights Prize of the French Republic "Liberté-Égalité-Fraternité" for 2021, awarded by the Prime Minister, are open to applications.

This Prize, created in 1988, is intended to reward and enable the successful completion, in France or abroad, of individual or collective actions in the field which work to promote or protect human rights.

Non-governmental organizations, or individual applicants, regardless of nationality or borders, must submit an application corresponding to one of the two themes, to choose from, for the year 2021.

Theme n°1: Covid-19 and defense of human rights
Theme n°2: Education - a common good, a fundamental right

This application must include a field action or a project, to be carried out in France or abroad.

Prize adwading :
The first 5 winners of the Prize will be invited to Paris for the official ceremony. They will be presented with a medal and will share the global endowment of 70,000 euros allocated by the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, and intended to implement their projects. They will be able to claim to be the winner of the 2021 edition of the Human Rights Prize of the French Republic.

The next five laureates will be awarded a "special mention" medal by the French Ambassador to their country of origin.

Rules :
Applications must comply with the Prize regulations which you will find on the CNCDH website : https://www.cncdh.fr/fr/prix/prix-des-droits-de-lhomme

Application file :
The application file, written in French, must include :

a) A letter of candidacy presented and signed by the president or legal official of the operating NGO, or by the individual candidate;
b) Download the application file : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/formulaire_de_candidature_2021-vdef.doc

This file presents, in detail, the actions carried out by the association or the individual personality.

c) Where applicable, a presentation of the operating NGO (statutes, implementation, etc.).
d) Postal and bank details (RIB / IBAN) of the NGO or of the individual candidate.

Applicants must send their complete file, before the submission deadline of 17 October 2021 to the General Secretariat of the Commission:
A l’attention de Cécile RIOU-BATISTA, TSA 40 720
20 avenue de Ségur,
75 007 PARIS

or by e-mail : prixdesdroitsdelhomme@cncdh.fr

After the results have been announced by the jury, the 2021 Prize will be solemnly awarded in Paris, by the Prime Minister, or another Minister of the French Republic, around December 10, 2021.

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