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iciHaiti - Covid-19 : Donations from the Digicel Foundation to hospitals...
19/07/2021 11:15:32

iciHaiti - Covid-19 : Donations from the Digicel Foundation to hospitals...
In response to the increase in covid-19 cases in Haiti https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34264-haiti-diaspora-covid-19-daily-bulletin-485.html , the Digicel Foundation made a donation of 50,000 US dollars at St Luc's Hospital as well as about fifty oxygen cylinders at the University Hospital of Mirebalais.

This aid is in addition to a series of donations made throughout 2020 by the Digiciel Foundation:

Bernard Mevs Hospital : US $ 25,000;
Mirebalais University Hospital : 40,000 US dollars;
Mirebalais University Hospital : US $ 60,000, in the form of ventilators;
Development of Health Activities in Haiti (DASH) : US $ 25,000;
Médecin Sans Frontières : US $ 50,000
Saint Antoine de Jérémie Hospital : US $ 20,0000.

"The Covid-19 confirms that we are operating in a global village, demonstrating that the greatest weapon in the fight against this scourge is mutual aid. Although health is not among the Foundation's areas of intervention, it was keen to contribute as much as possible in order to help save lives," declared Sophia Stransky, Executive Director of the Digicel Foundation who also calls "for the solidarity of each person, public and private institutions in order to face this challenge."

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