
iciHaiti - Assassination of the President : 8 Associations and Chambers of Commerce condemn 10/07/2021 09:53:13
The Presidents of 4 Chambers of Commerce (Laurent Saint-Cyr President of the Franco-Haitian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CFHCI); Jean-Philippe Boisson President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Haiti (AmCham Haiti); Grégory Brandt President of the Franco-Haitian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CFHCI); Michelle Mourra President of the Haitian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIHC)) and of 4 professional associations (Wilhelm Lemke President of the Association des Industries d'Haïti (ADIH); Raïna Forbin President of the Haitian Tourism Association (ATH); David Turnier President of the National Association of Petroleum Products Distributors (ANADIPP) and Carl Frédéric Behrmann President of the Association of Motor Vehicle Importers (AAIVM)) in a joint declaration, join all national and international voices in vehemently condemning the assassination of President Jovemel Moïse.
Download the text of the declaration (PDF) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/note-09-07-2021-ass-cham-commerce.pdf
IH/ iciHaiti