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Herehaiti - Health : 58% of children are not completely vaccinated
24/06/2021 10:09:48

Herehaiti - Health : 58% of children are not completely vaccinated
In a statement the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) alerts that 9.7% of children in Haiti received regular vaccination throughout the COVIV-19 and 58% period could not get their full vaccination.

Due to the disruption of health services because of the pandemic, many children could not get their vaccine that is an important element for healthy growth. Among the children who are not completely vaccinated 42% of them, says UNICEF live mainly in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, where access to essential services for children is insufficient.

In the last three years, the UN organization has found that the largest number of unvaccinated children live in the most difficult neighborhoods of the country's 5 largest cities. Of these cities are three communes in the Metropolitan Area (Port-au-Prince, Cité Soleil and Carrefour) and two other cities of Artibonite, namely Gonaïves and Saint-Marc.

With the situation of insecurity in these areas and in addition to the appearance of COVID-19 in 2020, parents have become increasingly reluctant to go to vaccinate their children. Which leads to a sharp drop in vaccination rates. This figure ranges from 28% for vaccine antigens to 44% for others.

According to UNICEF, this observed drop in the number of vaccinated children has already led to an increase in diphtheria cases and lets you provide for a measles epidemic surge this year. Unvaccinated children are also more likely to suffer from malnutrition.

It should be noted that during the month of May, the Regional Director of UNICEF, Jean Gough, said that the number of children under five suffering from severe acute malnutrition in Haiti could increase more than double this year. Either 86,000 this year, against 41,000 last year https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34040-haiti-flash-the-lives-of-nearly-86-000-haitian-children-under-5-threatened.html

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