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iciHaiti - Obituary : Death of Dr. Lucien Jean Bernard, Rector of UNEPH
09/06/2021 11:01:23

iciHaiti - Obituary : Death of Dr. Lucien Jean Bernard, Rector of UNEPH
On Monday, Dr Jean Bernard Lucien Rector of the Episcopal University of Haiti, died of a respiratory complication at the Delmas 2 hospital where he had been admitted after having tested positive for Covid-19.

Note of sympathy from the Rectorate of the UEH :
"The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (RUEH) learned with great sorrow and pain the news of the death of Dr. Lucien Jean Bernard, Rector of the Episcopal University of Haiti (UNEPH). Dr Bernard left only in less than a week after Dr Robert Joseph https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-33899-icihaiti-obituary-death-of-dr-robert-joseph-words-of-sympathy-from-the-ueh.html, his colleague and vice-rector also within the UNEPH. Recall that Dr. Bernard was the first head of the social communication department of the Faculty of Human Sciences (FASCH) and vice-dean of the IREAH/ISERSS of the UEH.

Dr. Bernard was a courteous, dynamic and committed man who devoted a lifetime to the service of the university until his death. His departure is certainly a huge loss for the UNEPH, which he led for a long time, and the entire Haitian university system.

The Rectorate of the UEH bows before his mortal remains and presents its warmest sympathies to the grieving family, to the other members of the administration and to the whole community of the UNEPH, to his former colleagues and students of the FASCH and IERAH/ISERSS, to his colleagues at the Conference of Rectors and Presidents of Haitian Universities and Higher Education Institutions (CORPUHA), to relatives and friends affected by this unexpected bereavement."

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