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iciHaiti - Weekly road report : Increase in accidents and victims
08/06/2021 10:41:32

iciHaiti - Weekly road report : Increase in accidents and victims
The Haitian organization Technical and Operational Services to Stop Accidents (STOP-Accidents), informs us that for the week of May 31 to June 6, 2021, 24 accidents on the national territory (+ 33% compared to the previous week) https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-33866-icihaiti-road-report-18-accidents-at-least-62-victims.html made at least 90 people (+ 45%): 11 deaths (+ 57% ) and 79 injured (43.6%) including several seriously ...

Duclos (Saint-Louis du Sud), Bois-Verna, Plaine-du-Nord, Martissant, Pétion-ville, Port-de-Paix, Delmas 32, Petit-Goâve, Beaumont... are the main communes and zones where these accidents have occurred.

Remember that this weekly report was carried out in partnership with the National Ambulance Center (CAN) and the Haitian Red Cross.

However, due to lack of sufficient financial resources STOP-Accident is unable to monitor the state of health of the injured, some of whom die as a result of their injuries and are not counted.

STOP-Accidents, reiterates its call for caution on our roads and urges the Government to strengthen prevention measures and to set up a systematic vehicle inspection service. In addition, the Organization invites road users to maintain responsible behavior to reduce the risk of accidents.

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