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iciHaiti - Obituary : Last tribute from the Ministry of the Interior
07/06/2021 08:35:39

iciHaiti - Obituary : Last tribute from the Ministry of the Interior
Saturday June 5, 2021, a final tribute was paid to Viergela SAINTULIEN and Yolène Vaval SURENA https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-33842-icihaiti-covid-19-death-of-dr-doctor-yolene-vaval-surena.html respectively at the churches of St Anne and St Louis Roi de France,

Louis Gonzague Edner Day, the Minister of the Interior underlines in a final tribute "[...] These two personalities have each marked in their own way, their passage during many years at the Ministry of the Interior. They leave strong and good memories in the hearts and daily lives of those with whom they have worked, collaborated or just rubbed shoulders.

They have served the Ministry with ardor, determination, passion, dedication and above all efficiency. Sometimes neglecting their families to meet their professional commitments, with the conviction to serve their country fully, to contribute to its survival, safety, development and democracy.

It is with a broken heart that the Ministry saw this brutal and sudden separation.

Honors and merits to our dear departed colleagues. Sympathies and comfort to their families, loved ones, friends, colleagues and collaborators !

May they rest in Peace, having already given so much in their lifetime. It is therefore up to us today to continue to live and work so as to continue their works of construction and thus continually pay homage to their memories."

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